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Shuriken - Wikipedia
More About Ninja stars - shuriken - The Free Dictionary
ISBN 978-0-8048-3937-2. Adams, Andy (1985 ). "The Battle for Ninja Supremacy". Black Belt. Active Interest Media. 23 (12 ): 2124. Steele, David (1981 ). "Japanese Daggers". Black Belt. Black Belt, Inc. 19 (2 ): 5560. Gruzanski, Charles V. (1991 ). Ninja Defense: Chain and Shuriken. Tokyo: Tuttle martial arts. pp. 9192. ISBN 978-0-8048-1705-9. de: Shuriken #Deutschland (7 November 2009) []" Crook Justice Act 1988 (Offensive Defense) Order 1988",, The National Archives, SI 1988/2019 California Penal Code Section 22410.
01 Bad guy Belongings of a Weapon in the 4th Degree, see Literature [edit] Nawa, Yumio (1962) Kakushi Buki Soran (A Summary of Hidden Weapons) Seiko Fujita (June 1964) Zukai Shurikenjutsu/ (A Summary of Shuriken-jutsu) Finn, Michael (1983) Art of Shuriken Jutsu Hammond, Billy (1985) Shuriken jutsu: The Japanese Art of Projectile Throwing A.E.L.S Shirakami, Eizo (1985) Shurikendo: My Study of the Way of Shuriken Iwai, Kohaku (1999) Hibuki no Subete ga Wakaru Hon (Hidden Weapons) BAB, Japan Kono, Yoshinori (1996) Toru Shirai: Founder of Tenshin Shirai Ryu in Aikido Journal # 108 Saito, Satoshi in Skoss, Diane ed.
2 Koryu Books Mol, Serge (2003 ). Classical Weaponry of Japan: Unique Defense and Tactics of the Martial Arts. A Reliable Source . pp. 1217. ISBN 4-7700-2941-1. External links [edit] Media associated to Shuriken at Wikimedia Commons.

Slackers Ninja Stars
( urken) (Martial Arts (besides Judo & Karate) & Combat Sports) a martial-arts weapon generally in the shape of a star or cross with sharp protruding edges, thrown with a spin towards the target [from Japanese, shu hand + ri inside + ken blade] Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 Harper, Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014.

Examine This Report about Spy Gear - Ninja Attack - Ninja Stars -
Shuriken, commonly described as ninja stars or throwing stars, are probably the most popular weapon used in Ninjutsu. In the past, shuriken were typically considered to be a secondary weapon to the sword, and were not generally considered to be a killing weapon. Ninja stars were frequently used to decrease assailants or utilized as a distraction.